I'm ARK not real name. This is just a short story. september 1, Tuesday at 4 PM, we decided to go up to our rooftop because it was brown out and it was very hot inside the house. Mama, my sister and my cousin Ate Rain are with me. we are also really used to going up at this time to ventilate (but not every day) It is really boring when we are just indoors. Story here, laughter there at the same time we only drank coffee while inhaling very fresh air. 5:30 PM when they decided to go down because there was already electricity and it was a bit dark. I, on the other hand, left, which I just did now. Usually because I go down with them. FF. I did not realize the time. I am so busy watching Youtube. I chineck time on my phone. I was shocked bhies! It's 6:50 PM. Also the darkness on the rooftop. Only the light on the side of our stairs serves as light. But instead of standing up to go down, I stayed. Sometimes I don't really understand myself either. so ayun, while I was si...